There are 64397 instances of publication type (each entry has one), with just 6 different types of publication types. This number results from the original bibliography’s data model, but the labels used below are Zotero’s labels. The exception to this rule is that the distinction between monographs and edited volumes is lost in Zotero, which considers both to be books.
def get_pubtypes(bibdata): # Find all the instances of publication types pubtypes = [] xpath ="//z:itemType/text()" pubtypes = bibdata.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces)print("There are "+str(len(pubtypes)) +" instances of publication type in the dataset.")return pubtypesdef most_frequent_pubtypes(pubtypes): # Count the occurrences, find the 10 most frequently mentioned persons pubtypes_counts = Counter(pubtypes)print("There are "+str(len(pubtypes_counts)) +" different publication types in the dataset.") pubtypes_counts =dict(sorted(pubtypes_counts.items(), key =lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)[:10]) columns = ["counts"] pubtypes_counts = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( pubtypes_counts, orient="index", columns=["count"]).reset_index().rename({"index" : "types"}, axis=1 )return pubtypes_countsglobal pubtypes_countspubtypes = get_pubtypes(bibdata)pubtypes_counts = most_frequent_pubtypes(pubtypes)
There are 64397 instances of publication type in the dataset.
There are 6 different publication types in the dataset.
def visualize_pubtypes_counts(pubtypes_counts): #print(pubtypes_counts) plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) palette = sns.color_palette("tab20b", len(pubtypes_counts)) fig = sns.barplot( data=pubtypes_counts, y ="types", x ="count", hue ="count", legend =False, orient='h', palette = palette, )for i in fig.containers: fig.bar_label(i,) fig.set(title="Number of publication types in the dataset") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( join("figures", "pubtypes_counts.svg"), dpi=300 )visualize_pubtypes_counts(pubtypes_counts)
Note that, unfortunately, Zotero does not distinguish between the item types monograph and edited volume, both being treated as books. (The rule-based disambiguation of these item types, based on the presence of authors and/or editors, is future work.)